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Displaying 121-130 out of 228 results for "Principal Protected Notes".

Structured Certificates of Deposit Week

Over the past several months, we have noticed more and more bank deposits that resemble structured products. These products go by various names: market-linked certificates of deposit, equity-linked certificates of deposit, contingent interest certificates of deposits, etc. For parsimony, we refer to these types of products as "structured CDs" or simply "SCDs".

We think structured CDs are a very significant development, as they can be designed to provide highly complex exposure, are almost...

Securities Class Action Filings Decrease in 2012

Earlier this year, Cornerstone Research released 2012 review of Securities Class Action Filings in conjunction with the Stanford Law School -- see the press release. The report notes that the number of federal securities class action filings have decreased in recent years and, in particular, has fallen nearly 20% from 2011 to 2012. For the number of filings over the past sixteen years can be found below (Figure 2 in their report).

A figure showing a stacked bar graph demonstrating the number of filings from 1997 to 2012.

Cornerstone attributes the majority of the decline in class...

More on Non-Traded REIT IPOs-via-Mergers

So far, two large non-traded REITs (Cole Credit Property Trust II and American Realty Capital Trust III) have merged with traded REITs. Merging with a traded REIT is one way for these otherwise largely illiquid investments to bring their assets to market and allow their investors to cash out. The more traditional 'exit strategy', and the strategy anticipated by most non-traded REIT offering documents, would be to have an independent initial public offering (IPO). So why are some non-traded...

Oppenheimer to Pay US Airways $30 Million over Auction Rate Securities

Oppenheimer & Co. has been ordered by a FINRA arbitration panel to pay US Airways $30 million in damages related to the purchase of several series of structured auction rate securities (ARS). The story is being covered by Caitlin Nish at the Wall Street Journal, Bill Singer at Forbes, and Keith Goldberg at Law360. You can find the US Airways v Oppenheimer award on our website.

ARS are debt instruments that paid interest rates that reflect the clearing prices of regular auctions. Oppenheimer...

FTC Releases Report on Debt Buying Industry

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released their report yesterday on the "Structures and Practices of the Debt Buying Industry". This rather lengthy report brings into focus the industry -- debt collection and debt buying -- that is responsible for more consumer complaints than any other industry.

"Debt buying" is the practice of purchasing debts from creditors. A creditor may decide that it is unlikely the debtor will repay a debt and as a result may sell the rights to collect the debt for...

What is a CDO, Anyway?

We've talked a lot on this blog about collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), including a post just last week about how they might be regaining popularity. We thought it might be worthwhile to step back and explain just what a CDO is and why it is considered such a risky investment.

Part of the complexity just has to do with terminology. CDOs are a type of asset-backed security; so like a derivative, the value of a CDO is linked to the value of another asset. Typically, CDOs are linked to an...

Apple's Declining Stock Price and Structured Products

Jason Zweig at the Wall Street Journal has an excellent piece on a part of the Apple story that hasn't gotten much press: many equity-linked structured products are linked to the common stock of Apple.

SLCG has recently completed an analysis of the market value of outstanding structured products linked to Apple common stock (AAPL). In the following figure, we plot the total quarterly issuance of AAPL-linked structured products in our database since the first quarter of 2009.

A figure showing a line graph with bars demonstrating Apple's closing stock price from 2009 to 2012.

As Apple's common...

NERA Releases Annual Report on SEC Settlement Trends

Last week, NERA released their annual report on trends in SEC settlements for the 2012 fiscal year. The report represents the annual update to NERA's analysis of their proprietary database of SEC litigation releases and administrative proceedings published since July 21, 2002. We've been covering these reports for about a year now and we were excited to see the results of this updated study.

According to the report, the number of settlements rose nearly 7% from FY11. While the number of...

Structured Product Issuers Under Pressure to Disclose Estimated Value

According to securities law firm Morrison & Foerster's Structured Thoughts newsletter, the SEC may soon require issuers of structured products to disclose the estimated value of the product on the front page of the prospectus. From the newsletter:

Elaborating on the [SEC's] sweep letter, the Staff noted that issuers must disclose the "issuer estimated value" on the cover page of the offering document, and share this information with investors prior to the time of sale. This estimated value...

SLCG Research: Dual Directional Structured Products [Update]

We have significantly updated our working paper on dual directional structured products (or simply dual directionals). Since our first version of the paper, our work has been covered by and in November of 2012 named a dual directional as their trade of the month. The latest version of the paper is available from the SLCG website and SSRN.

In this version of the paper, we expanded our scope by studying all dual directionals registered with the SEC since 2008. We divide dual...

228 Results
