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Displaying 10 out of 18 results for "Reverse Mortgages".

Another Non-Traded REIT Lists Shares, Revealing Losses

Shares of non-traded real estate investment trusts (REITs) were sold in large amounts during the real estate bubble of 2005-2007. Without an observable trading price, sponsors simply fixed the share price of non-traded REITs at $10 per share. As real estate markets have collapsed and now begun to recover, it has been difficult to ascertain just how much those $10 shares have changed in value. Non-traded REIT sponsors are now required to estimate per-share net asset values, which have...

Regulators Soften on Credit Risk Retention Rule

Yesterday financial regulators proposed a revised rule addressing the retention of credit risk for sponsors of securitizations -- see the proposed rule .1 The thought is that by removing the separation between the origination and securitization of loans, lenders will focus more on the quality of loans rather than the quantity, as they would have to keep some 'skin in the game' when structuring asset-backed securities.

The original March 2011 proposal required securitizers to retain at least...

Banks Water Down Loan Terms in Quest for Growth

The Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) is reporting that banks are watering down terms of new loans under competitive pressure. For example, some banks are increasing the length of amortization from the usual 15 years to the 25 years, others are decreasing required debt-service coverage from 1.25 to as low as 1 times cash flow while still others are waiving cancellation/prepayment fees.

The relaxation of loan standards is not unique to the commercial loan industry. Recently,...

Investors Bristle at New Structured Product Valuations

Back in February, the SEC issued a letter to structured product issuers that required them to estimate and prominently state the estimated value of the notes to investors. According to, as issuers have begun doing so, many investors have "expressed surprise" at how low those valuations are.

However, these valuations should be no surprise to anyone familiar with the structured product literature, which has documented significant discounts for a wide variety of product types. You can...

Securities Class Action Filings Decrease in 2012

Earlier this year, Cornerstone Research released 2012 review of Securities Class Action Filings in conjunction with the Stanford Law School -- see the press release. The report notes that the number of federal securities class action filings have decreased in recent years and, in particular, has fallen nearly 20% from 2011 to 2012. For the number of filings over the past sixteen years can be found below (Figure 2 in their report).

A figure showing a stacked bar graph demonstrating the number of filings from 1997 to 2012.

Cornerstone attributes the majority of the decline in class...

FTC Releases Report on Debt Buying Industry

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released their report yesterday on the "Structures and Practices of the Debt Buying Industry". This rather lengthy report brings into focus the industry -- debt collection and debt buying -- that is responsible for more consumer complaints than any other industry.

"Debt buying" is the practice of purchasing debts from creditors. A creditor may decide that it is unlikely the debtor will repay a debt and as a result may sell the rights to collect the debt for...

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Report on Reverse Mortgages

Most American investors are likely aware of the SEC, and may also be aware of FINRA as an important regulatory institution (certainly, readers of this blog should be). But they may be less aware of the relatively new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), which also has a mandate to protect consumers from financial malpractice. The CFPB was created out of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, and President Obama appointed its first director in January...

SEC Sends Letter to Issuers of Structured Notes

Recently the SEC sent out a letter to certain financial institutions regarding their offerings of structured notes. The letter was sent by Amy M. Starr, the Chief of the Office of Capital Markets Trends, Division of Corporation Finance. In the letter the SEC urges the structured note issuers to disclose key information with regard to the offerings, such as product pricing and use of issuing proceeds.

The SEC highlighted a number of potentially confusing aspects of structured notes and their...

SEC Press Release: Structured Products

SEC Staff Issues Summary Report of Sweep Examination of Structured Products Sold to Retail Investors

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a press release today announcing that it had

"issued a report identifying common weaknesses seen in sales of structured securities products and describing measures by broker-dealers to better protect retail investors from fraud and abusive sales practices."

The report is a result of studies in the structured products business of...

SEC Press Release: Morgan Keegan fined in connection with CDOs

Morgan Keegan to Pay $200 Million to Settle Fraud Charges Related to Subprime Mortgage-Backed Securities

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a press release today announcing that

"Morgan Keegan & Company and Morgan Asset Management have agreed to pay $200 million to settle fraud charges related to subprime mortgage-backed securities. Two Morgan Keegan employees also agreed to pay penalties for their alleged misconduct, including one who is now barred from the...

18 Results
