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Displaying 91-100 out of 156 results for "JOBS Act".

Dodging Hedge Fund Requirements: The Case of Mariner Access

Nowadays, there are several ways that retail investors can purchase risky investments which would typically be considered unsuitable. For example, many exchange-traded funds (ETFs) use derivatives to offer investors access to risky asset classes (such as CDOs) or complex options positions (such as covered calls). Since ETFs can be bought and sold like any other listed stock, essentially any investor can now take covered call positions regardless of her understanding of options. There is even...

Risks of Mortgage REITs

Instead of investing in real estate property directly like equity real estate investment trusts (REITs) do, mortgage REITs borrow in the repo markets and invest in mortgage backed securities (MBS) -- mostly residential MBS issued by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Ginnie Mae. The current environment of low interest rates has kept the borrowing costs low for mortgage REITs, facilitating their outstanding growth. The figure shows the market capitalization for all listed mortgage REITs and the...

Options Strategies Embedded in Exchanged Traded Products

In theory, exchange traded products (ETPs) can be linked to almost any underlying asset, including derivatives. While many ETPs are linked to portfolios of bonds or stocks, some are linked to portfolios of futures contracts, which we have discussed at length before. Bill Luby at VIX and More has written a couple posts on ETPs that are linked to portfolios of options, which are gaining some traction with investors. As usual, we greatly enjoyed Bill's posts and thought we'd explain some of the...

What Buying a House and Structuring an Asset Backed Security Have in Common

When you buy a house, it's generally a good idea to get it inspected so you know if there are any expensive problems you might have to pay for after the deal closes. It's also a good idea to make sure that the person inspecting the house be independent, knowledgeable and perhaps most importantly objective -- not paid by or otherwise conflicted with the seller. Otherwise, they might overlook problems to make sure the deal goes through.

Asset backed securities (ABS) -- such as mortgage backed...

Variable Prepaid Forward Contracts

Recently we've been working a lot with variable prepaid forwards (VPFs) in our casework and we decided to take a step back and explain these complex investments. A VPF is an over-the-counter contract between two parties involving a stock position, an upfront payment and option positions. VPFs are often used to defer taxes on appreciated stock, which has been a matter of some controversy.

Perhaps the best way to explain a complex investment is by example. Consider an investor who purchased...

Equal Weighting versus Market Capitalization Weighting

We often hear about different stock market indexes in the same breath: on the evening news, you might hear that 'the Dow was up half a percent, the S&P gained three quarters of a percent, the NASDAQ was down a tenth of one percent'. While it may seem that these indexes tend to move together on most days, there are important differences between equity indexes. The one we hear about the most is that they are composed of different stocks: the Dow Jones Industrial Average tracks only 30...

Are ETF Flows Costly to ETF Investors?

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are often lauded for their ability to efficiently create or redeem shares in response to changes in demand for the fund (known as fund flows). However, new research suggests that some ETFs that hold international securities may face transactional frictions that prevent them from tracking their benchmarks as well as other ETFs.

When there is an imbalance between supply and demand for an ETF, authorized participants (APs) create or redeem shares of the ETF to...

New Study Comparing Indexed and Actively Managed Funds

NerdWallet, a San Francisco based personal investing site, has performed a historical study of the returns on almost 8,000 mutual funds and ETFs over a ten year period and found that passive indexed funds tend to outperform actively managed funds on average. In fact, they found that only 24% of actively managed funds outperformed the average return of the indexed funds. These results are consistent with the annual SPIVA Scorecard produced by S&P Dow Jones Indices, which found in both 2012...

Persistence and Mean Reversion in VIX Rolling Futures Indexes

In our last post we followed up on Jason Voss's discussion of the Hurst exponent as a measure of persistence or mean reversion in market data. We compared the Hurst exponents of the S&P 500 to that of the VIX index, and found that the S&P 500 is largely a random signal (Hurst exponent near 0.5) but that the VIX exhibits characteristics of a 'switching' or mean reverting signal (a Hurst exponent between 0 and 0.5).

Much has been made of VIX mean reversion in the financial blogosphere. One idea...

Persistence and Mean Reversion in Market Data

Jason Voss at the CFA Institute has recently written a very interesting series of posts on the Hurst exponent, which is "a method for detecting persistence, randomness, or mean reversion in financial markets." The Hurst exponent measures the degree to which a signal depends on previous values--a phenomenon known as autocorrelation--and specifically whether values tend to 'switch' (e.g., high values followed by low values) or 'persist' (e.g., high values followed by other high values). Jason...

156 Results
