Our research and testimony frequently result in awards, decisions and orders. See what our experts have been working on.
Wiles v Questar Capital - $135,000 non-traded REIT Award
Silipigno v Raymond James - $800,000 Churning Award
Aucoin v VSR Financial Services - $307,000 non-traded REIT & DPP Award
$1.45 Million Bengoa v UBS of Puerto Rico Award
Ford et al v Royal Alliance - $600,000 non-traded REIT, Annuity Award
Ohio Division of Securities, In the Matter of Timothy K. Fife - Ohio IA Registration to be Revoked
$800,000 Chipi v UBS of Puerto Rico Award
$1.425 Million Roldan Caraballo v UBS of Puerto Rico Award
Elliott v JP Morgan $1.2 Million Short Treasury Award
Schvey v Janney Montgomery Scott - $427,000 Churning Award