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Displaying 351-360 out of 707 results

Resurgence of Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities and Decreased Underwriting Standards

Late last week, Reuters reported that the issuance of so-called 'large-loan' Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities (CMBS) has recently spiked and that the increase in volume may be due in part to more lenient underwriting standards. Large-loan CMBS issuance in the first few months of 2013 has already surpassed that of 2012.

CMBSs are created by securitizing a pool of commercial mortgage loans such that an investment in a CMBS is a claim on the future cashflows from the pool of commercial...

Equal Weighting versus Market Capitalization Weighting

We often hear about different stock market indexes in the same breath: on the evening news, you might hear that 'the Dow was up half a percent, the S&P gained three quarters of a percent, the NASDAQ was down a tenth of one percent'. While it may seem that these indexes tend to move together on most days, there are important differences between equity indexes. The one we hear about the most is that they are composed of different stocks: the Dow Jones Industrial Average tracks only 30...

SEC Litigation Releases: Week in Review - April 26th, 2013

SEC Announces Settlements with Cache Decker and David Decker in SEC V. Zufelt
April 23, 2013, (Litigation Release No. 22684)
A final judgment was entered against Cache D. Decker and David M. Decker, Jr. for their allegedinvolvementin "Ponzi schemes operated by Anthony C. Zufelt" through his company Zufelt, Inc. and Silver Leaf Investments, Inc. The final judgment orders the defendants to pay over $257,000 in disgorgement, pre-judgment interest, and penalties, as well as permanently enjoins...

529 College Savings Plans Underperform Similar Mutual Funds -- Morningstar

On Monday, Morningstar Fund Research issued their 2013 529 College-Savings Plans Industry Survey, which reviews the performance of the 529 industry in 2012. Their study finds that "college savers are continuing to invest in 529 college-saving plans at an impressive clip, even though their performance has lagged that of similar funds in recent years."

529 Plans are typically run by states and are used by investors to save for future education expenses such as college tuition on a...

Do ETFs and Mutual Funds with Higher Fees Outperform?

There was a great comment on our post about FINRA's Mutual Fund Expense Analyzer.

Is there a positive correlation between fees and gross returns? In other words, are investors who pay higher fees compensated by higher returns?

On the one hand, one might expect that in order to garner high fees, a fund would have to earn higher returns; but on the other, it may be the case that higher fees simply erode profits and yield lower total returns.

We looked at data provided by Bloomberg on all...

ISDA Announces Market Agreed Coupon Contract for OTC Interest Rate Swaps

The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) just announced the publication of a standardized form for over-the-counter (OTC) interest rate swaps called the Market Agreed Coupon (MAC) contract. The contract attempts to standardize the offering of interest rate swaps in the OTC market by specifying available tenors (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20 and 30 years), coupon increments (25 basis points), effective dates (IMM dates) and currencies (USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CAD and AUD).

The MAC...

Why So Many REITs?

Real estate investment trusts (or REITs) have been all over the news recently. The value of many traded REITs has increased dramatically as the US housing market has recovered (see, for example, Vanguard's REIT ETF VNQ which is currently trading at or above pre-crisis levels). Many mortgage REITs have been making headlines for their rapid growth and potentially adverse effects on the financial system. And of course, non-traded REITs continue to see criticism for reasons we've highlighted...

Are ETF Flows Costly to ETF Investors?

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are often lauded for their ability to efficiently create or redeem shares in response to changes in demand for the fund (known as fund flows). However, new research suggests that some ETFs that hold international securities may face transactional frictions that prevent them from tracking their benchmarks as well as other ETFs.

When there is an imbalance between supply and demand for an ETF, authorized participants (APs) create or redeem shares of the ETF to...

SEC Litigation Releases: Week in Review - April 19th, 2013

SEC Files Subpoena Enforcement Action Against Andrew Farmer and Iridium Capital, Ltd. for Failure To Produce Documents in Market Manipulation Investigation
April 18, 2013, (Litigation Release No. 22680)
Last week, the SEC filed a subpoena enforcement action against Andrew Farmer and Iridium Capital, Ltd. "According to the filing, the SEC is investigating possible market manipulation in connection with transactions in the securities of Chimera Energy Corporation." Subpoenas were issued last...

Taking the Teeth out of the STOCK Act

NPR reported earlier this week that Congress has quietly overhauled important provisions of the STOCK Act . For those that don't know, the STOCK ("Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge") Act was signed into law in April 2012 and sought to prevent "Members of Congress and employees of Congress from using nonpublic information derived from their official positions for personal benefit, and for other purposes."

The STOCK Act was supposed to prevent Members and Congressional staff from trading...

707 Results
