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Displaying 131-140 out of 185 results for "ERS".

What Does a Simple Structured CD Look Like?

Okay, we've talked a bit about what structured CDs are and why we think they are interesting. But what does a structured CD offering document actually look like? Unfortunately, it isn't possible to find such documents from Bloomberg or the SEC website since structured CDs are not registered securities. However, you can often find offering documents using Google. For example, as a relatively simple equity-linked CD, we're going to take a look at the "Global Opportunity Certificate of Deposit...

More on Non-Traded REIT IPOs-via-Mergers

So far, two large non-traded REITs (Cole Credit Property Trust II and American Realty Capital Trust III) have merged with traded REITs. Merging with a traded REIT is one way for these otherwise largely illiquid investments to bring their assets to market and allow their investors to cash out. The more traditional 'exit strategy', and the strategy anticipated by most non-traded REIT offering documents, would be to have an independent initial public offering (IPO). So why are some non-traded...

Crowdfunding and Real Estate Investing

The JOBS Act of 2012 was ostensibly designed to increase investment in small businesses. One of its provisions was to allow private placement investments (such as hedge funds, oil and gas partnerships, etc) to advertise publicly. Another provision is to allow for 'crowdfunding' of real estate and other investments, in effect allowing the sale of partial interests in speculative ventures to small retail investors. Kaitlin Ugolik at Law360 has a great review of the implications of this...

FINRA Dispute Resolution Statistics 2012

Last week, we covered NERA's analysis of SEC settlements during FY2012. This week, we're taking a look at FINRA's recent release of their dispute resolution summary statistics. FINRA arbitration is a common way for investors to pursue restitution for damage caused by fraud, negligence, or other fiduciary breaches. FINRA provides a detailed summary of the arbitration process and claims can be filed either online or by mail.

Through December of this year, FINRA reports that the number of new...

Barrier Options

Earlier this week we introduced binary options, a type of exotic derivative that is embedded in some retail structured products such as dual directionals. Today we're going to go over barrier options, which are another exotic option contract that happens to be embedded in one of the most popular types of structured products: reverse convertibles.

Like vanilla options, barrier options have a payoff that compares the final asset price to the strike price of the option. In addition, the payoff...

The Basics of Options Contracts

In a lot of our research work, we break down complex financial products into simpler pieces and then value those simple pieces one at a time. Often, those smaller components are options contracts (especially in our structured product work), which are relatively easy for practitioners to value. However, options contracts use a peculiar terminology that can be confusing to the uninitiated, so we thought we would lay out exactly what we mean when we talk about options.

Options contracts are...

Structured Products: 2012 Year-End Market Review

Last year, we covered Bloomberg's summary of the 2011 structured product market by noting that almost "$45.5 billion worth of SEC registered structured products were sold in the US in 2011, down only slightly from $49.4 billion in 2010." In 2012, 7,909 notes totaling just over $39 billion worth of SEC registered structured products were sold in the US -- a decrease of nearly 15%.

Interest rate products continued their decline in popularity with a decrease of almost 30% from 2011 to 2012....

ETP Turnover in 2012

2012 was a busy year for the exchange-traded product (ETP) market. As we've noted before, many new funds have been created, and many others have been closed and liquidated. The analysts at IndexUniverse have been keeping track, and have produced the final year-end tally for 2012.

In all, 178 ETFs or ETNs were launched in 2012. iShares (BlackRock) was the largest issuer in terms of number of new funds, but the market was highly divided such that 44% of funds were launched by the smallest 26...

Copper ETP Market Review

Last week we described how a physical copper ETF might lead to a copper shortage and disruption of world commodities markets. This week we wanted to review the copper ETP market in a bit more detail to get an idea of what is currently being offered.

There are seven US ETPs available with exposure primarily to the copper market. These include:

Why a Physical Copper ETF Might be a Really Big Deal

JP Morgan recently obtained approval by the SEC to launch a new copper ETF that, instead of holding derivatives linked to copper, will actually accumulate physical copper itself. While this may not seem like a thrilling market development, there are serious concerns that if this ETF becomes popular and garners significant assets, the world market for copper might be upended. Here's why:

Think of demand for copper as having two components: demand for industrial or productive uses and demand as...

185 Results
