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Displaying 151-160 out of 223 results for "Volatility Products".

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Report on Reverse Mortgages

Most American investors are likely aware of the SEC, and may also be aware of FINRA as an important regulatory institution (certainly, readers of this blog should be). But they may be less aware of the relatively new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), which also has a mandate to protect consumers from financial malpractice. The CFPB was created out of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, and President Obama appointed its first director in January...

Another ETN Halts New Share Redemptions, Creates Premium

In March we reported on TVIX, the leveraged volatility-linked exchange-traded note (ETN) which started trading at a very large premium to indicative value after its issuer halted the creation of new shares. Bloomberg's Matt Robinson is reporting that AMJ, a JPMorgan ETN linked to oil partnerships, has also limited new share creations and is developing a similar premium.

JPMorgan limited new share creations on June 14, and the premium to indicative value (the value of the underlying index) has...

401(k) Fees Can Drastically Reduce Nest Egg

A recent report conducted by Demos -- a New York City-based public policy organization -- points out that the high fees charged by 401(k)'s can cut nest eggs by 30% for median-income two-wage family.

Company-sponsored 401(k) plans often include a list of mutual funds in which employees can invest. Although these fees are disclosed on the individual fund prospectuses, the account statements from 401(k)'s generally do not include such fees (only the result of the fund performance net of fees)....

SLCG Research: Dual Directional Structured Products

Earlier this month, SLCG released a new research paper that values Dual Directional Structured Products (DDSPs). DDSPs are debt securities that feature payoffs very much like a long straddle position on the underlying asset for small price movements -- the investor realizes gains if the underlying asset increases or decreases in price (the origin of the term 'dual directional') within a certain range during the term of the note.

DDSPs differ from a conventional straddle position in a number...

Massachusetts Securities Regulators Fine RBC for Selling Unsuitable Leveraged and Inverse ETFs

RBC Capital Markets has agreed to pay $2.9 million in restitution to Massachusetts investors related to the sale of unsuitable leveraged, inverse, and inverse-leveraged ETFs. Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts William Galvin, who has previously investigated Bank of America over warehousing of CLO assets, issued the complaint in July 2011, accusing RBC and its registered representative Michael D. Zukowski of selling these products "to clients who did not understand what these...

The "New" Non-Traded REITs Look a Lot Like the Old Ones

Yesterday's Wall Street Journal had an article describing the "new versions" of non-traded real estate investment trusts (REITs), which purport to solve some of the transparency issues which have made non-traded REITs the subject of regulatory scrutiny. In particular, several non-traded REITs are now offering daily updated net asset values (NAV) in an attempt to calm concerns regarding the lack of transparency in the pricing of non-traded REITs.

However, a review of the prospectus for...

FINRA Issues Sanctions on Sellers of Leveraged and Inverse ETFs

Today FINRA issued sanctions on four firms for selling leveraged and inverse exchange-traded products. The story has also been picked up by the New York Times [UPDATE: the Wall Street Journal too]. The offending firms, with links to their respective Letters of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent ('AWC's), were:

These firms faced a total of $9.1 million in fines and restitution for sales occurring between January...

Bill Luby on VIX-Related Exchange-Traded Products

Bill Luby, who writes at the VIX and More blog and Expiring Monthly: The Options Traders Journal, is one of the most respected voices on all things related to the CBOE S&P 500 Volatility Index, also known as the VIX. We highly recommend anyone interested in the VIX and volatility-related derivates check out his blog, which has a variety of useful analysis and commentary.

Recently there has been a lot of coverage related to TVIX and otherexchange-traded products linked to the VIX. Here at...

SEC Sends Letter to Issuers of Structured Notes

Recently the SEC sent out a letter to certain financial institutions regarding their offerings of structured notes. The letter was sent by Amy M. Starr, the Chief of the Office of Capital Markets Trends, Division of Corporation Finance. In the letter the SEC urges the structured note issuers to disclose key information with regard to the offerings, such as product pricing and use of issuing proceeds.

The SEC highlighted a number of potentially confusing aspects of structured notes and their...

High-Frequency Trading and Market Volatility

The "flash crash" of May 6, 2010 -- when the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped by 9% in a few minutes and quickly regained ground -- has naturally drawn wide attention. Although the sharp drop was not directly triggered by high-frequency traders (traders who execute trades based on complex algorithms and rarely hold a position more than a day), they have been blamed for fueling the selling after a mutual fund complex initialized a program to sell a large amount of E-Mini S&P 500...

223 Results
