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Displaying 41-50 out of 54 results for "Interest Rate Swaps".

SEC Litigation Releases: Week in Review - February 21st, 2014

SEC Charges Three California Residents Behind Movie Investment Scam
February 20, 2014, (Litigation Release No. 22929)
According to the complaint, Samuel Braslau, Rand Chortkoff, and Stuart Rawitt defrauded "investors in a purported multi-million dollar movie project that would supposedly star A-list celebrities and generate exorbitant investment returns." Braslau set up "companies named Mutual Entertainment LLC and Film Shoot LLC to raise funds from investors for the movie project," a film...

Further Reckoning of UBS Willow Fund's CDS Losses

In previous blog posts we explained how the UBS Willow Fund completed its spectacular multi-year collapse in 2012 largely as a result of its leveraged portfolio of credit default swap (CDS) contracts. See Credit Default Swaps on Steroids: UBS's Willow Fund and Willow Fund's Hedging, Investing and Speculating in Distressed Debt With Credit Default Swaps. Through these CDS contracts, the Willow Fund made a large, highly-leveraged short bet on credit risk contrary to its repeated SEC...

SEC Litigation Releases: Week in Review - February 14th, 2014

SEC Charges James Y. Lee for Defrauding His Advisory Clients
February 14, 2014, (Litigation Release No. 22927)
According to the complaint, James Y. Lee defrauded his advisory clients in several ways including "charg[ing] some clients fees...based on false performance and conceal[ing] from them that they had actually incurred realized losses," failing to disclose information about his background including "a criminal conviction for embezzlement and an SEC cease-and-desist order for his role in...

SEC Litigation Releases: Week in Review - February 7th, 2014

Court of Appeals Denies Stay of Order Compelling Investigative Testimony; Affirms District Court's Exercise of Discretion
February 6, 2014, (Litigation Release No. 22920)
This week the court issued a "summary order denying Edward Daspin's motion for a stay" on a December 2013 order. This means that Daspin is required "to appear for investigative testimony in compliance with an SEC investigative subpoena" and was denied a "request that the SEC be required to pay for Daspin's physician to attend...

Willow Fund's Hedging, Investing and Speculating in Distressed Debt With Credit Default Swaps

In a recent post we demonstrated how the Willow Fund's purchase of credit default swaps evolved from hedging a portion of its distressed debt to swamping the portfolio with enormous short positions in distressed debt. In this post, we explain why the Willow Fund's use of credit default swaps was inconsistent with its repeated disclosures that:
... The Fund may use a variety of special investment techniques to hedge a portion of its investment portfolio against various risks or other factors...

SEC Litigation Releases: Week in Review - January 31st, 2014

Court Enters Final Judgment Against Broker in Settlement of Claims Arising from Fraudulent Misrepresentations and the Misappropriation of Funds
January 30, 2014, (Litigation Release No. 22914)
A final judgment was entered this week against David L. Rothman based on charges that "Rothman,...who was the Vice President and minority owner of Rothman Securities, Inc....creat[ed] and issu[ed] false account statements to certain elderly and unsophisticated investor/clients that materially overstated...

Credit Default Swaps on Steroids: UBS's Willow Fund

We previously published a working paper on how investors in Oppenheimer's Champion Income Fund lost 80% in 2008 when peer group funds lost about 25%. Our Champion Income Fund paper is available on our website. Oppenheimer had increased Champion Income Fund's exposure to CMBS through credit default swaps and total return swaps in 2007 and 2008. Figure 1 reproduces a figure from our 2010 paper which demonstrates that the leverage Oppenheimer took on through the swaps fully explained the...

The Use of Leverage in the UBS Puerto Rico Closed-End Funds Magnified Losses

The massive declines that hit investors in the UBS Puerto Rico closed-end bond funds in 2013 were especially quick and brutal for fixed income securities which are usually safer investments. In previous posts we have discussed some of the reasons for the precipitous fall in the values of the bond funds and some of the nuances of bond transactions that may have given rise to conflicts of interest between the fund managers and investors. In this post, we will discuss another culprit in the...

SEC Litigation Releases: Week in Review - January 17th, 2014

SEC Charges Former Senior Executives of Public Company Subsidiary with Falsifying Financial Records and Circumventing Internal Controls
January 15, 2014, (Litigation Release No. 22906)
This week, the SEC announced charges against Christopher Hohol and Brian Poshak, "formerly the senior vice president for operations and the controller, respectively, of Veolia Special Services, a fourth-tier United States subsidiary of Veolia Environnement S.A." According to the SEC, the defendants falsified...

SEC Examiniation Priorities 2014

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) senior staff recently announced their 2014 examination priorities . The national examination program will be focusing on fraud detection and prevention, corporate governance, and registrants that serve as both a broker-dealer and investment adviser.

SEC staff also plans to undertake initiatives that examine the rollover of retirement vehicles during employment transitions or near retirement. In particular, the staff is concerned about misleading...

54 Results
