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Displaying 21-30 out of 33 results for "Muni Arb".

La Historia Reescribe la Junta de Reglamentos de Valores Municipales

Kyle Glazier y Lynn Hume, escritores del artículo publicado la semana pasada en Bond Buyer : "Corredores Violan Declaración Oficial de Puerto Rico, MSRB (Junta de Reglamento de Valores Municipales en inglés) Vota a Favor de Transacciones al Detalle" hablan del desastre causado por la venta de pequeñas denominaciones de Bonos de Puerto Rico que van en contra del documento de oferta de dichos bonos. Los artículos "FINRA Examinando Compraventa de Bonos de Puerto Rico" y "FINRA Dice Estar...

The MSRB Re-Writes History

Kyle Glazier and Lynn Hume's story in the Bond Buyer last week, "Brokers Violate Puerto Rico OS, MSRB Rules with Retail Trades", about small denomination trades in the recent Puerto Rico bond offering in contravention of the offering document set off a firestorm. The Wall Street Journal's "Finra Examining Trading in Puerto Rico Bonds" and Bloomberg's "Finra Says It's Examining Trading in New Puerto Rico Bonds" both reported on Friday that FINRA was looking into the suspect trades.

What did...

Municipal Bond Markups are Still Excessive

Monday's Wall Street Journal article, Muni Bond Costs Hit Investors in Wallet: Investors Pay Twice as Much for Municipal Debt as for Corporate Bonds, points out yet again that investors pay far more to buy and sell municipal bonds than they pay to buy and sell similar quantities of corporate bonds or common stocks. The article cites a recent S&P study that finds investors buying a $100,000 municipal bond pays an average spread of 1.73% or $1,730 - twice as much as the 0.87% average spread...

SEC Litigation Releases: Week in Review - March 7th, 2014

SEC Obtains Summary Judgment Win On Liability Against All Defendants in a Penny Stock Fraud Case
March 5, 2014, (Litigation Release No. 22936)
A summary judgment was entered against StratoComm Corporation, its CEO, Roger D. Shearer, and its former Director of Investor Relations, Craig Danzig, for issuing and distributing "public statements falsely portraying the penny stock company as actively engaged in the manufacture and sale of telecommunications systems for use in underdeveloped...

Inversionistas del Fondo Rochester de Oppenheimer Sufren Grandes Pérdidas por la Alta Concentración de Bonos Municipales de Puerto Rico

Los inversionistas de bonos municipales de Puerto Rico sufrieron grandes pérdidas durante el año 2013. El gráfico 1 muestra un índice que abarca un amplio número de bonos municipales en los Estados Unidos (el Índice de Bonos Municipales S&P). Este gráfico también muestra un índice regional que se enfoca en bonos municipales de Puerto Rico (el Índice de Bonos Municipales puertorriqueños S&P). Entre los años 2000 y 2012, ambos índices presentaron movimientos muy similares. Sin embargo, durante...

High Concentration in Puerto Rico Municipal Bonds Results in Losses for Investors in Oppenheimer Rochester Funds

2013 was a tough year for investors in Puerto Rican municipal bonds. Figure 1 shows a broad index of U.S. municipal bonds--the S&P Municipal Bond Index--and a regional index focusing on Puerto Rican municipal bonds--the S&P Municipal Bond Puerto Rico Index. While both indexes moved in tandem from 2000 until 2012, the Puerto Rico index shows a much sharper drop in 2013 as the island's economy continued its prolonged contraction. Puerto Rico's 2012 GDP was 12% below its 2006 GDP, according to...

Further Reckoning of UBS Willow Fund's CDS Losses

In previous blog posts we explained how the UBS Willow Fund completed its spectacular multi-year collapse in 2012 largely as a result of its leveraged portfolio of credit default swap (CDS) contracts. See Credit Default Swaps on Steroids: UBS's Willow Fund and Willow Fund's Hedging, Investing and Speculating in Distressed Debt With Credit Default Swaps. Through these CDS contracts, the Willow Fund made a large, highly-leveraged short bet on credit risk contrary to its repeated SEC...

SEC Litigation Releases: Week in Review - February 14th, 2014

SEC Charges James Y. Lee for Defrauding His Advisory Clients
February 14, 2014, (Litigation Release No. 22927)
According to the complaint, James Y. Lee defrauded his advisory clients in several ways including "charg[ing] some clients fees...based on false performance and conceal[ing] from them that they had actually incurred realized losses," failing to disclose information about his background including "a criminal conviction for embezzlement and an SEC cease-and-desist order for his role in...

Willow Fund's Hedging, Investing and Speculating in Distressed Debt With Credit Default Swaps

In a recent post we demonstrated how the Willow Fund's purchase of credit default swaps evolved from hedging a portion of its distressed debt to swamping the portfolio with enormous short positions in distressed debt. In this post, we explain why the Willow Fund's use of credit default swaps was inconsistent with its repeated disclosures that:
... The Fund may use a variety of special investment techniques to hedge a portion of its investment portfolio against various risks or other factors...

SEC Litigation Releases: Week in Review - January 10th, 2014

Securities and Exchange Commission v. Diamond Foods, Inc.
January 9, 2014, (Litigation Release No. 22902)
According to the complaint, Diamond Foods, Inc. manipulated walnut costs to report "higher net income and inflated earnings to exceed analysts' estimates for fiscal quarters in 2010 and 2011." According to the complaint against Diamond's former CFO, Steven Neil, Neil "directed the effort to fraudulently underreport money paid to walnut growers." Diamond's former CEO, Michael Mendes, has...

33 Results
