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Displaying 10 out of 10 results for "CDO".

SEC Charges KCAP Financial with Overvaluing Assets

The SEC alleges that KCAP Financial, a publicly traded business development company (BDC), did not accurately report the fair value of its corporate debt and collateralized loan obligation (CLO) assets during the financial crisis, thereby misleading investors. According to the press release, KCAP valued some of their assets at cost, not at fair market value, overstating the net asset value by over 25% during the peak of the financial crisis.

BDCs are similar to REITs in that they hold...

SEC Litigation Releases: Week in Review - November 23rd, 2012

Brian Stoker Found Not Liable
November 21, 2012, (Litigation Release No. 22541)
On July 31, 2012, the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York found Brian H. Stoker, former Citigroup Global Markets Inc. employee, "not liable for violations of the Federal securities laws related to the issuance of a $1 billion collateralized debt obligation (CDO) called Class V Funding III." The SEC did not appeal the verdict, and "the time for appeal has expired." The SEC filed its...

SEC Sues Commonwealth Advisors Over Collybus I CDO

The Securities and Exchange Commission filed a Complaint today against Commonwealth Advisors, Inc. and Walter A. Morales in connection with the Collybus I CDO offering in November 2007. See the SEC Complaint and the Collybus I CDO Offering Document.

The SEC alleges amongst other things that the Defendants used the Collybus I CDO offering to shift losses from its hedge funds by causing the CDO to purchase impaired RMBS from Commonwealth's hedge funds at values which did not reflect recent...

SEC Litigation Releases: Weekly Review

SEC Charges a Solar Panel Manufacturer and Three of its Former Executives with Defrauding Investors
September 6, 2012, (Litigation Release No. 22475)
The SEC charged Worldwide Energy and Manufacturing USA Inc. (WEMU), a San Francisco based solar panel manufacturer, and WEMU executives Jimmy Wang, Mindy Wang, and Jeffrey Watson with "concealing the transfer of nearly half of the ownership stake in its Chinese subsidiary to three individuals in China who manage the subsidiary." According to the ...

Overreliance on Credit Ratings Results in Large Losses for Municipalities

Earlier this week, the SEC charged Wells Fargo's brokerage firm with selling complex securities to institutional investors such as municipalities and non-profits. The Institutional Brokerage and Sales Division, between January 2007 and August 2007, made recommendations to institutional clients to purchase asset-backed commercial paper "issued by limited purpose companies called structured investment vehicles (SIVs) and SIV-Lites backed largely by mortgage-backed securities and CDOs." Already...

SEC Litigation Releases: Week in Review - July 20th, 2012

SEC Obtains Final Judgment in Case Involving Ponzi Scheme and Promotion of China Voice Holding Corp.
July 19, 2012, (Litigation Release No. 22418)
A final judgment was entered against Ilya Drapkin on July 6, 2012, which permanently enjoins him from violating various sections of the Securities Act and ordered Drapkin, along with his companies, MG TK Corp. and SMI Chips, to pay over $5.8 million in disgorgement and penalties. This amount represents "profits gained by Drapkin, MG TK, and SMI...

Abuse of Municipal Finance in Wisconsin

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Stifel Financial has settled with five Wisconsin school districts on charges that they misled these municipal investors with their sale of several complex CDOs. This is just another example of the situation outlined in a previous postwherein a municipality or institutional investor was taken advantage of through the sale of inappropriate investments. The settlement involves $22.5 million in cash, plus $154 million in debt forgiveness. SLCG has been...

More Examples of CDO Warehousing and Potential Fraud

Last month we had a blog post about Banc of America Securities selling investors CLOs which had already lost value before the CLO closing date. It seems that in July 2007 Banc of America transferred at least $35 million of previous losses to unsuspecting investors in two of its CLO offerings - LCM VII and Bryn Mawr II. In October 2008 when these two CLOs were liquidated investors lost nearly $150 million. But it is unlikely that these were the only structured deals that hid the true value of...

Dealbreaker on the Hayes award and LCM VII CLO

Matt Levine at Dealbreaker posted last night on our work regarding the Hayes award and the LCM VII CLO. He interpreted some of the facts of the case differently, but we think he did touch upon the key issue: the proper disclosure of the decline in the market price of collateral on the closing date. We wanted to directly address a couple points he raised.

To be clear, at least by the closing date the CLO did track the daily mark-to-market value of the loans in the LCM VII portfolio using...

More CDO-related Mischief: Former Credit Suisse Trader Charged with Falsifying Trading Books

Last Tuesday we pointed out how Banc of America transferred at least $35 million of previous losses to unsuspecting investors in two of its CDO offerings. This story was further exposed by the New York Times' reporter Gretchen Morgenson in her report on February 4, 2012 titled "A Wipeout That Didn't Have to Happen".

Also in last week, the ex-global head of Credit Suisse Group AG's CDO business, Kareem Serageldin, was charged in Federal Court by the Manhattan District Attorney for overstating...

10 Results
