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Displaying 101-110 out of 134 results

Broker Haggle Guide

Forbes' "Broker Haggle Guide" cites research by Dr. O'Neal on the problems that multiple share class mutual funds cause for investors.

Spanning the Transparency Divide

The Financial Times' "Spanning the Transparency Divide" extensively cites Dr. Piwowar's research on the benefits of introducing price transparency to the U.S. corporate bond markets.

NASDAQ Adds Four More Indexes

"NASDAQ Adds Four More Indexes." Because most investors have portfolios full of stocks on several exchanges, the Nasdaq-only index may not be that valuable as a benchmark, says Dr. O'Neal.

Transparency Could Save Investors $1B

The Financial Times' "Transparency Could Save Investors $1 Billion a Year" features Dr. Piwowar's research on the benefits to investors and issuers from adding price transparency to the corporate bond market.

Lessons from U.S. Corporate Bond Market Transparency Initiatives and Implications for the European Union (EU) Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID)

Dr. Piwowar presented "Lessons from U.S. Corporate Bond Market Transparency Initiatives and Implications for the European Union (EU) Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID)" at the European Central Bank (ECB) in Frankfurt, Germany.

U.S. Municipal and Corporate Bond Market Transparency Initiatives

Dr. Piwowar co-presented "U.S. Municipal and Corporate Bond Market Transparency Initiatives" to the Ontario Securities Commission in Ottawa, Canada.

Retail Focus: Issuer Official Says Primuni's First, and So Far Only, Deal Saved It $19,000

Bond Buyer's "Retail Focus: Issuer Official Says Primuni's First, and So Far Only, Deal Saved It $19,000" cites Dr. Piwowar's research on municipal bond market trading costs.

Fixed Income Markets in Montreal

Dr. Piwowar participated in the Bank of Canada Workshop on Fixed Income Markets in Montreal, Canada.

Employee Stock Options and Concentrated Stock Positions: What Not to Do to Protect Your Wealth

Dr. Craig McCann presented "Employee Stock Options and Concentrated Stock Positions: What Not to Do to Protect Your Wealth," to the Union League Club of Chicago.

Survey Finds Hidden Trading Costs

The Wall Street Journal's "Survey Finds Hidden Trading Costs" cites research conducted by Dr. O'Neal on the costs that investors in mutual funds incur when their mutual fund portfolio managers implement trading strategies. "That investors in actively managed funds incur portfolio trading costs that are over seven times that of index fund investors is another in the long line of reasons for investors to favor index funds," says Dr. O'Neal.

134 Results
