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Press Coverage

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Displaying 91-100 out of 134 results

Research on Variable Annuities, Equity-Indexed Annuities and Structured Products

Dr. Craig McCann presented his research on variable annuities, equity-indexed annuities and structured products to the North American Securities Administrators Association's (NASAA) Attorney Investigator Training conference.

Indexed-Annuities: Too Good to be True?

Kiplinger's Retirement Report quotes Dr. McCann on equity-indexed annuities' costs and complexity in "Indexed-Annuities: Too Good to be True?"

3 Retirement Deals You Can Do Without

Money Magazine's September 2006 issue "3 Retirement Deals You Can Do Without" quotes Dr. McCann on the complexity and cost of equity-indexed annuities.

Excessive fund fees

Dr. O'Neal was on a panel at the annual Institutional Investor meeting for Mutual Fund Counsel speaking about how to grapple with the issue of excessive fund fees.

Homework Key to Avoiding Investor Pitfalls

The Washington Post's "Homework Key to Avoiding Investor Pitfalls" quotes Dr. O'Neal on the academic research demonstrating that mutual fund managers cannot consistently beat the market.

Citigroup Ruling May Embolden Affluent Investors

The Wall Street Journal's "Citigroup Ruling May Embolden Affluent Investors" discusses in detail Dr. McCann's involvement in an arbitration proceeding in Cleveland, OH between a wealthy investor and Citigroup over client presentations made by its private client group.

Annuities With an S&P Return

The Washington Post's "Annuities With an S&P Return" quotes Dr. McCann on the merits of equity-indexed annuities as a substitute for portfolios of stocks and bonds.

Lessons from U.S. Corporate and Municipal Bond Market Transparency Initiatives: Implications for Emerging Markets

Dr. Piwowar co-presented "Lessons from U.S. Corporate and Municipal Bond Market Transparency Initiatives: Implications for Emerging Markets" to delegates at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission International Institute for Securities Market Development in Washington, DC.

Study riles advocates of equity index annuity

Investment News' "Study riles advocates of equity index annuity" features industry reaction to SLCG's "An Overview of Equity-Indexed Annuities."

Secondary Transaction Costs

Dr. Piwowar presented "Secondary Transaction Costs in the Municipal and Corporate Bond Markets" to staff at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in Washington, DC.

134 Results
