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Press Coverage

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Displaying 11-18 out of 18 results

Class Action Litigation Looms as New Hurdle for EIA Insurers

Investment News' "Class action litigation looms as new hurdle for EIA insurers" describes a recent ruling on class certification in an equity-indexed annuity class action against Midland National Life Insurance Co. in which Dr. McCann had testified.

Equity-indexed annuities

SLCG issues a press release announcing the release of its study of equity-indexed annuities, demonstrating the complexity and inferiority of costly equity-indexed annuities in comparison to portfolios of stocks and bonds.

Things to look for in '07

Humberto Cruz's column "Things to look for in '07" in the Chicago Tribune, Baltimore Sun and other national newspapers reviews SLCG's research into equity-indexed annuities.

Research on Variable Annuities, Equity-Indexed Annuities and Structured Products

Dr. Craig McCann presented his research on variable annuities, equity-indexed annuities and structured products to the North American Securities Administrators Association's (NASAA) Attorney Investigator Training conference.

Indexed-Annuities: Too Good to be True?

Kiplinger's Retirement Report quotes Dr. McCann on equity-indexed annuities' costs and complexity in "Indexed-Annuities: Too Good to be True?"

3 Retirement Deals You Can Do Without

Money Magazine's September 2006 issue "3 Retirement Deals You Can Do Without" quotes Dr. McCann on the complexity and cost of equity-indexed annuities.

Annuities With an S&P Return

The Washington Post's "Annuities With an S&P Return" quotes Dr. McCann on the merits of equity-indexed annuities as a substitute for portfolios of stocks and bonds.

Study riles advocates of equity index annuity

Investment News' "Study riles advocates of equity index annuity" features industry reaction to SLCG's "An Overview of Equity-Indexed Annuities."

18 Results
